OAB/SP no. 404.293
Juris Doctor by the Law School of Pontical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).
Graduate Student on Business Law by the Law School of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation - FGV
Supplementary training by Superior School of the Federal Magistracy of Rio Grande do Sul (ESMAFE-RS)
Member of the Competition Committee of FIESP - Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo.
Member of the Brazilian Institute of Studies of Competition, Consumer Affairs and International Trade - IBRAC.
Fields of Expertise: Litigation and advisory, highlighted in Defense of Competition, Regulatory Economics, Consumer Protection Law, Intellectual Property and Corporate Law.
Languages: English
Selected publications:
FARINA, L; TOLFO, R. M. M. A misconception to rue: "ANFAPE case". In: BAGNOLI, V; CRISTOFARO, P. P. S. (Coord.) Commented CADE Jurisprudence. São Paulo: Thomson Reuters Brasil, 2019, pages 499 usque 515.
TOLFO, R. M. M; DIDONE, K. E-lawsuit and sustainability: the varius facets of lawsuit virtualization. In: Jonathan Carvalho Holz; Elaine Harzheim Macedo; Sérgio Augusto da Costa Gillet. (Org.). Lawsuit and Technology. 1st edition, Porto Alegre, RS: Fi Publishing Company, 2018, volume 1, pages 87 usque 97.
MACEDO, E. H.; TOLFO, R. M. M. From the Electronic Lawsuit to the Public Document: An Analysis of the Conversation of the Judicial Records as Permanent Files. Online Magazine of the Law School of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, volume 12, no. 3, pages 709 usque 734, december 2017.