Laércio Farina - June 13th, 2017.
Occurred on June 28th, the releasing of the collective book "The Interface between Regulation and Competition in the Oil Productive Chain: Analysis of trials by CADE" (Migalhas), organized by Elvino de Carvalho Mendonça, Luciano Inácio de Souza and Rachel Pinheiro de Andrade Mendonça.
"The book titled "The Interface between Regulation and Competition in the Oil Productive Chain: Analysis of trials by CADE" has the challenge of presenting a series of articles critically analyze important cases judged by the brazilian competition authority in relation to the oil industry. The analysis also includes issues in the areas of control of structures and anti-competitive conduits, allowing the juridical community in general reflect on the evolution and trends of CADE's judgments .
Seeking a better unterstanding of what is the discussion proposed, the book is divided into four topics: (i) exploration and production sector ("E&P"); (ii) fuel distribution; (iii) fuel resale, and (iv) relevant topics in the oil industry.
Laércio Farina and Alexandre Augusto Reis Bastos wrote a chapter jointly, which was entitled "Contracts between distributors and petrol stations".
In this way, having as scope the interface between the regulatory sectors and the anti-competitive aspects, we expect that this book can bring the communty of regulation and competition defense, a contribuition to the debates of this important sector of the brazilian economy. The organizers.",MI260388,61044-Lancamento+da+obra+A+Interface+entre+Regulacao+e+Concorrencia+na